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Organization of Military Museums of Canada

OMMC Museum Studies Program documents available HERE.


OMMC Annual Museum Studies Program, Sackviille, New Brunswick, 2022


OMMC Inc. Head Office​, 6449 Crowchild Trail SW, PO 36081 Lakeview PO, Calgary, Alberta, T3E 7C3​​

E-mail:​          Phone: 204-223-0905


Mission, Vision, Objectives, Accountability

OMMC is an association of people and organizations with an abiding interest in the military history of Canada, the preservation, display and interpretation of military artifacts and memorabilia, and the effective operation of military museums.​



The mission of the OMMC is to preserve the military heritage of Canada by encouraging the establishment and operation of military museums, to educate museum staff through lectures, discussions, workshops, visits, small education grants, publications and exhibits, and to cooperate with other public and private bodies devoted to the same or similar purposes."



The OMMC vision is to foster and be part of a national co-operation in a common agenda to preserve and interpret the military history of Canada, set in the wider context of Canadian and international society and human affairs."



To accomplish the mission, the OMMC will pursue these objectives:

- conduct the annual training course;

- award the small education grants annually;

- broaden the membership across the spectrum of military museums in Canada;

- develop the collaboration with agencies and associations having similar interests;

- generate greater capability for self-sufficiency; and

- maintain qualification as a registered Canadian charity.



OMMC will be clearly accountable to its members, to its supporters in and outside government and to the applicable regulatory agencies of the Government of Canada.





Visit the OMMC store, "The Supply Depot", at the CaféPress site here.

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